The 20th century begins marked by different revolutions that led the abdication of Czar Nicolás II in 1917. The same year the Bolsheviks led by Lenin and with the military force of the ' Red Army ' get the control of the provisional Government. Among the population it arose an opposition formed by those military who took part in the czarist army and opponents to the new government and finally created the ' white movement '. This way it begins a civil war that will end in 1923, with the victory of the ' Red Army '.
In 1922 the USSR is founded, with the approval of the ' Agreement of Creation of the USSR ', which was signed by: RSFS of Russia, RFSS of Transcaucasia, RSS of Ukraine and RSS of Byelorussia. With the death of Lenin, Stalin assumed the absolute power, turning into the maximum leader into 1928, transforming the USSR into a great world power based on bloody purges and repression against everything that one that was daring to be opposed.
Soviets and Germans in 1939 signed the beginning of the Second World war, but in 1941 the Germany Nazi was betraying the USSR on having begun a sudden invasion of this one. In 1945 it was the own people who was expelling the enemy up to the doors of Berlin. Due to diverse ideological and political clashes, the world remained divided in two parts, the capitalist one (led by the USA) and another communist (led by USSR) both looking for the world domain, conflict that gives place to the Cold War in 1947. It was principally the lack of democracy and the economic lag the reasons that debilitated the USSR and end the Cold War in 1991.