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The principal document of the Russian State is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, was adopted  the 12nd of December in 1993 after it was voted in a referendum. It was the first constitution that was object of a long political debate and almost provoqued a civil war in Russia. The constitution is separated in 9 chapters:


  • Chapter 1.The Fundamentals of the Constitutional System (Art. 1-16)

  • Chapter 2. Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen (Art. 17-64)

  • Chapter 3. The Federal Structure (Art. 65-79)

  • Chapter 4. The President of the Russian Federation (Art. 80-93)

  • Chapter 5. The Federal Assembly (Art. 94-109)

  • Chapter 6. The Government of the Russian Federation (Art. 110-117)

  • Chapter 7. Judicial Power (Art. 118-129)

  • Chapter 8. Local Self-government (Art. 130-133)

  • Chapter 9. Constitutional Amendments and Review of the Constitution (Art. 134-137)


One of the most important thing is to understand how the federal structure of Russia works.

Russia is separated in 8 different districts, that have differents parliaments and heads subject of the Federation. They are all subordinated to the central power of the president, but they have the autonomy to choose their own regulations (self-determination).



The constitution

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