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Russia is a country with a great wealth of natural resources. It has the second largest gas reserve in the world (after Iran), in addition to its oil reserves. Other products that stand out are the forestry (although it does not make large exports of this sector) and metals. Its great territorial extension allows it to be the fourth world power with respect to the production of agriculture and livestock. It also has a large fishing industry, being surrounded by three oceans: the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific

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Some of the industries for which Russia stands out are those related to transport equipment, agricultural machinery or electronic materials. It also excels in the chemical and petrochemical industry, highlighting natural resources such as natural gas and oil. It makes large-scale arms exports being the second world power in this sector (around 3million people are employed in this industry). Related to this sector we find the aerospace industry that employs about 400,000 people


The tertiary sector is the most important sector of the Russian economy, where we distinguish companies related to transport, tourism, gastronomy, education and health. But above all, financial services stand out, with 500 banks operating in the country. The total assets of the banking sector accounted for 45% of GDP in 2006.
Russia received as legacy of the Soviet Union, an advanced telecommunications system and a satellite system called GLONASS

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